FREE hypnobirthing
Mini Course!
Are you intrigued about hypnobirthing and whether it is right for you? Are you curious to find out how hypnobirthing can make a HUGE difference in helping you have a positive birth experience?
Would you like to learn some simple yet incredibly powerful tools that will help you feel calm and in control?
If so, then you're in the right place!

Sign up it's completely FREE
Here's what we will cover ..
Day One: How does labour work, Why do we have contractions and what do they ACTUALLY feel like?
Day Two: How to hack your birth hormones, what does your body REALLY need during labour?
Day Three: How to make birth LESS painful, my top tips for staying calm and comfortable.
Day Four: How to be an AMAZING birth partner, what do you ACTUALLY need from each other?
Day Five: How to get the birth that YOU want! Navigating the maternity system to get the personalised care that you deserve.
Plus Bonus Content: Receive your Birth bag essential checklist. ​​​
Completely FREE! Just sign up below and check your inbox (and spam!). You'll get one email a day for the next 5 days with links to my free videos and downloads.
Your in safe hands
Hi im Aimee, a Specialist Public Health Nurse and Hypnobirthing Expert based in Bolton.
Im so glad you're here!
Im Aimee, Mum to two amazing humans and im here to tell you everything you need to know to enter into parenting with confidence, calmness and ease.
With over 14 years experience working for the NHS I bring a wealth of expertise and hands on experience to my in person courses.